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Our Profile


PT PP (Persero) Tbk is a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) established on August 26, 1953, operating in the fields of Construction (buildings, civil/infrastructure, EPC, specialty projects, plants, and equipment) and Investment (infrastructure, property, and energy). The majority shareholder of PT PP is the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, holding a 51% stake, while the remaining 49% of the shares are publicly owned.


The establishment of PT PP (Persero) Tbk, based on Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 63 of 1961, essentially has the main purpose and function of contributing in developing the national economy in accordance with a guided economy by prioritizing the needs of the people and the peace and pleasure of working in the Company, towards a just and prosperous material and spiritual society. Based on the mandate of these regulations, PT PP (Persero) Tbk has the mandate to become a Government agent in building planning, contracting, building implementation and supervision of building implementation.

Then, according to the Articles of Association Number 31 dated April 14, 2023, the purpose and objective of the Company are to conduct in industries including Construction, Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC), trade, area management, capacity enhancement services in construction, engineering services, and development planning, as well as optimizing the utilization of the Company's resources to produce goods and / or services of high quality and strong competitiveness to obtain or pursue profits to increase the value of the Company by applying the principles of Limited Liability Company.

Ir. Novel Arsyad, MM

Synergy and Innovation Improving Public Services

As one of the best construction and investment companies in Indonesia, PTPP will continue to provide the best quality trademarks by optimizing innovation and leading technology to produce superior works from the nation's sons and daughters for the development of Indonesia.

Ir. Novel Arsyad, MM

President Director


To become a leading innovative, excellent, and sustainable contractor, with robust financial foundation

  1. To provide construction and EPC services focusing on building and infrastructure development, observing good corporate governance, risk management, and sustainability principles
  2. To create an optimum added value for stakeholders through high competitiveness and strategic synergy in construction, EPC, and related investment
  3. To develop a distinguished and resilient talent through fulfillment, development, and evaluation processes aligned with the Company's culture
  4. To achieve a sustainable excellent performance by leveraging technological innovation and knowledge management
  5. To build a sustainable Company with robust financial foundation

Our Core Values

Trust Hold fast to the trust given
Competent Continue to learn and develop capabilities
Harmonic Caring for and appreciating differences
Loyal Dedicated and prioritize the importance's of nation and state
Adaptive Continue to innovate and enthusiastic in moving or facing the change
Collaborative Building the synergistic cooperation
Our History
1953 1953
PT PP (Persero) was established under the name of NV Pembangunan Perumahan based on the Notarial Deed No. 48 of August 26, 1953. At the time it was established PT PP (Persero) was estrusted to build houses for the officers of PT Semen Gresik Tbk, a subsidiary of BAPINDO in Gresik. Along with increased trust, PT PP (Persero) received the duty to construct large projects that were related to war compensations the Government of Japan paid to the Republic of Indonesia, namely : - Hotel Indonesia, Bali Beach Hotel, - Ambarukmo Palace Hotel and - Samudera Beach Hotel.
Organization Management
  • Commissioners
  • Directors
  • Risk Monitoring Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Corporate Secretary
  • Internal Audit Unit
  • Integrated Governance Committee
  • Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Ir. Dhony Rahajoe
Ir. Dhony Rahajoe President Commissioner concurrently as Independent Commissioner
Dr. Ernadhi Sudarmanto, Ak., M.M., M.Ak.,  CFE., CFrA., CA., QIA., ASEAN CPA, CGCAE., CIAE, CGRE, FRMP, CREL
Dr. Ernadhi Sudarmanto, Ak., M.M., M.Ak., CFE., CFrA., CA., QIA., ASEAN CPA, CGCAE., CIAE, CGRE, FRMP, CREL Commissioner
Dr. Ir. Hedy Rahadian, M.Sc.
Dr. Ir. Hedy Rahadian, M.Sc. Commissioners (Komisaris)
Ir. Pundjung Setya Brata, M.M.
Ir. Pundjung Setya Brata, M.M. Independent Commisioner
Dr. Jaya Kesuma, S.H., M.Hum.
Dr. Jaya Kesuma, S.H., M.Hum. Independent Commissioner
Irjen. Pol. (Purn) Drs. Istiono, MH
Irjen. Pol. (Purn) Drs. Istiono, MH Independent Commissioner
See Organizational Structure